
  • Pout Cature

    A cat has several ways to exhibit displeasure and disappointment. When your cat is pouting, it will make sure that you notice.
  • My home is my catsle

    You might think your home is your castle, but your cat does not think so. Your cat thinks your home is its catsle.

    Who got it wrong? Well, let's think.

    On your keyboard, in your shelf,
    on top of your roof, on top of yourself,
    under your grill and in your bed,
    behind your player and in your shed,
    in your chimney, on top of your fridge,
    in your laundry, on your roof's ridge,
    sits your cat.

    If your cat does like a place,
    it is the cat who makes its case.

    And is it really you who decides
    if from a bowl or a vase it imbibes?

    I think we have proven in detail,
    that your home is a catsle - without fail.

    Better watch your sliced turkey.

  • Mistrustocat

    Even the sweetest pussycat can metamorphose into a mistrustocat when a situation triggers a bad memory - such as going to the vet with testicles, and coming home without - or if something about a situation seems different than usual.

  • Shepercat

    German Shepercats and German Sheperds have in common that they guard your property. However, Sheperds do so in order to protect you and your belongings while Shepercats do so in order to protect their position among cats.

  • Narcatics

    Cats are like any other drug addict – if the right stuff is available, they will go for it. The most famous narcatic is Nepeta Cataria (Catnip); other narcatics include Salvia sclarea, a form of sage, Cat Thyme, or Valerian.

    About 50 percent of cats – housecats and also wild cats such as lions or tigers - are genetically drawn to catnip. Cats without the catnip gene don’t care about catnip at all; also very young and very old cats don't show much appetite for catnip.

  • Catwondo

    Cats use objects for solitary catwondo, or they play it with other cats. This kind of catwondo might seem a little rough to human observers, but most often it is pure fun for your cat to chase, bite and scratch another cat. They for example like to hide behind corners so they can attack their unsuspecting feline buddy that might walk along.

    They simply enjoy putting their skills to a test, and they feel contentment and pride when they are able to solve a problem such as getting fire irons in motion or kicking pencils from a desk.

  • Catcher in the Rye

    A real catcher in the rye sneaks off into forests and meadows looking for mice, frogs, birds, crickets, grasshoppers, squirrels, and other goodies it can hunt and eat. The prefered hunting time is dusk or dawn, when little rodents are most active.

  • Cat the Napper

    In the world of an average house cat, there is plenty of time for napping, since food is on the table and safe and comfortable places are everywhere in and around the house.

    Your cat might nap for fun or nap out of boredom or nap out of necessity, but it will always nap a lot: The average cat naps for incredible 13-18 hours a day. Only the oppossum and the bat can do better than that.

  • Solicicat

    Cats are five star masters of solicicatting. Techniques include meowing, purring, throwing themselves - under risk for their dear life - in your way. Cats have on average 100 different meows compared to 10 different woofs of an average dog.. In fact, their solicicatting skills are so amazing, if it wasn't for the obvious harrassment factor, we should all learn from them.

  • Kitty Caterer

    Cats like to show their esteem and affection by catering for you.

    Most cats only bring you the mice they don't like to eat, such as shrews, and they keep the delicious field mice for themselves. Just don't be too judgemental about it..

    Not all living creatures your cat brings in the house have to be considered a sponsored meal for you. Often, cats bring in mice to play with them till their prey drops dead. But when the cat places the mouse or bird in front of your bedroom door or in your house entrance, you can be pretty sure it was meant as a special gift for you. If your cat is a good hunter, better wear slippers in the morning.

  • FBI - Feline Bureau of Investigation

    Special Agent Whiskey's top investigative priorities are to find its food bowl, to determine the freshness of its litter box, and to find foreign intelligence operations such as another cat.

    p> To qualify as an agent, Whiskey first had to pass a sense of smell test. Turns out, that the cat's sense of smell is excellent, about twice as good as the one of humans (but not nearly as good as the one of dogs).

  • Radio Broadcat Technology

    Cats hear about 4 times better than humans, and they also hear sounds higher in frequency than humans can perceive.

    When a sound attracts the cat's attention, it aligns its ears into the direction the sound seems to come from, and it bends its ears forward to catch the sound as best as possible.

    The cat's whiskers are also bent forward and fanned broadly, so they can help identify the source of the sound. (Whiskers provide information on the width of gaps and on the location of objects, both by touching objects directly and by sensing air currents).

    Sounds and noises are crucial for the cat's sense of orientation. This is why cats that are relocated to a new place best stay in one room for a week. This way, they can focus on the new noises they hear, and they can build up a new "noise image" that will make sure they find home once they start venturing around again.

    Cats to carnival enthusiasts


    Cats to carnival enthusiasts
